
{{labelDetails.spaFullFormLabel ? labelDetails.spaFullFormLabel : "Seed Producing Agency"}} Registration

  • {{stateCode == '27' ? "Applicant cum Responsible Person Details" :"Applicant's Details"}}
  • Agency Details
  • Documents
  • Terms and Conditions
Jurisdiction Of Operator



Invalid Email Address.
Personal Information

Invalid Phone number!

Invalid Phone number!


Partner Firm Details ({{languageConfig.partnerFirmDetails}})
Sl No
Name of the Partner
Identification Type
Identification Number
{{ $index + 1 }} {{ x.partnerName }} {{ x.partnerFatherName }} {{ x.relationshipPartner }} {{ x.partnerid }} {{ x.partneridentification }}

Partner Firm Details ({{languageConfig.partnerFirmDetails}})
Sl No
Name of the Partner
Identification Type
Identification Number
{{ $index + 1 }} {{ x.partnerName }} {{ x.partnerFatherName }} {{ x.relationshipPartner }} {{ x.partnerid }} {{ x.partneridentification }}
Office Information


Telephonic Details of the Agency

Invalid Phone number!

Invalid Phone number!

Invalid Email Address.

Invalid GST number!
{{stateCode == '27' ? "Responsible Person" :"Incharge Information"}}

Invalid Phone number!

Add Seed Processing Plant Details

Seed Processing Plants Details({{languageConfig.seedProcessingPlantsDetails}})

No SPPs Available

Sl No
Plant Details
{{$index+1}} Plant Type :{{x.plantType}}   Year:{{x.year}}   Season : {{x.season}}   Plant Name : {{x.plantName}}   Plant Id : {{x.plantCode}}
Seed Processing Plants Details({{languageConfig.seedProcessingPlantsDetails}})

No SPPs Available

Sl No
Plant Details
{{$index+1}} Plant Type :{{x.plantType}}  
Plant Name : {{x.plantName}}  
Plant Id : {{x.plantCode}}  
Season :{{x.season}}  
Employee Details

Employee Details({{languageConfig.seedProcessingPlantsDetails}})

Details Not Available

Sl No
Employee Name
Contact No.
{{$index+1}} {{x.employeeDesignation}} {{x.employeeName}} {{x.employeeContactNo}} {{x.employeeQualification}}

This File Is Missing
Example ({{PhotographFileGood}}) your image

    Please select PDF files only and the total size of all files must be less than 2MB.

Legal Registration Status


  • {{x.nameOfFirm}}


Sketch Map of Agency

{{stateCode == '27' ? "Applicant cum Responsible Person Identity" :"Owner Details"}}

{{stateCode == '27' ? "Responsible Person" :"Incharge"}}


{{stateCode == '23' ? "Other Document / Godown rent aggrement" :"Other Document"}}
    Please upload one PDF file including PAN CARD, GSTN CERTIFICATE, BANK DETAILS.({{languageConfig.pleaseUploadonePDFfileincluding}})
Details Of Employees

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of SPA registration: (Please read carefully)


1. The owner of SPA shall comply all instructions given time to time by the agency.
2. The owner of SPA Shall from time to time report to the Agency in case of any change in the details provided at the time of renewal.
3. The owner of the SPA shall facilitate to the seed certification officers in case of any difficulties encountered during the inspection of registered seed crop.
4. The owner of SPA shall comply with the provisions of Seed Act 1966,Seed Rules 1968 and Indian Minimum Seed Certification Standards and the notifications issued thereunder and for the time being in force.
5. Renewal application shall necessarily be made on or before the validity date otherwise all seed certification services at SPA/SPP shall be withheld.
6. Registration shall be deemed cancelled if renewal application is not made with late fees up to one month after expiry of validity date.
7. Director, in his sole discretion cancelled or suspended SPA registration in case of any contravention of terms and conditions or any irregularities encountered which affect the seed quality.
8.The contract agreement with the processing plant will be uploaded in the online system before the raw seed intake starts.

Declaration: (Please read carefully)


1. I declare that the information given is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and no part these of is false.
2. I carefully read the terms and condition of SPA renewal and agree to abide by them.

Applicant Name({{languageConfig.applicantName}}) {{ownerName}}
Date Of Application({{languageConfig.dateOfApplication}}) {{currentDate| date:'dd-MM-yyyy' }}
Apply For({{languageConfig.applyFor}}) SPA Registration
Apply To({{languageConfig.applyTo}}) {{agencyName}}
Duration({{languageConfig.duration}}) {{licenseAppliedFor}}  {{licenseAppliedFor == '1' ? 'Year' : 'Years'}} from Approval
Amount to be paid({{languageConfig.amount}}) Rs. {{spaFee}} /-