SATHI is a user-oriented centralized portal. Envisioned and created by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Govt. of India, in partnership with National Informatics Centre (NIC). SATHI provides a holistic approach to encompass the complete seed life cycle over multiple seed generations. This measure is achieved through automation of the entire seed supply chain, starting from seed production to certification, licensing, seed Inventory, and seed sale by certified dealers to seed growers and includes traceability of seeds.
SATHI assists the user to perform the following with new-found ease while ensuring high-quality seed production by integrating the following into its system:
SATHI makes administration and management agile by reducing the paperwork. It lets you make quick updates with the help of the following attributes:
SATHI, with its intensive, accurate, and up-to-date record makes tracking and dispatching of inventory secure and easier:
SATHI aims to make the seed supply chain more efficient, accessible, save time and resources, improve traceability, while guaranteeing the uncompromised seed quality and purity. It makes the working of seed production chain uncomplicated for everyone involved in the process.